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Coat Color Genetics

There are 5 main genes that determine rabbit coat genetics. The combination of these describes the rabbit's genotype. The interplay of these genes within each other and with other accessory modifier genes give a wide variety of phenotypes (the physical appearance) of rabbits.

A Locus Determines the base pattern of the rabbit: A Agouti, at Tan, aa Self/Solid
B Locus - Determines the base color of the rabbit: B Black, bb Chocolate
C Locus - Determines the expression of color: C Full Color, c(chd) Absence of Yellow also called Chinchilla, c(chl) Shaded also causes absence of yellow, ch Himalayan or temperature sensitive Pointed, c Albino or absence of color
D Locus - Determines saturation of color: D Saturated, dd Dilute
E Locus - Determines the extension of color: Es Steel or overextension of base color, E Normal extension, ej harlequin or randomization of normal extension and e non extension

Additional genes in TAMUK-C that can modify the above genes.

Rufus - Defines intensity of “Red” and controlled by several genes.
ww - Wideband
Du - Dutch
ss - Satin

Genes present in other rabbit breeds but are not or are debated to be present in TAMUK-C

En - Broken
V - Vienna
Si - Silvering
at - Tan
c(chl) - Shaded

coatgenetics.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/31 15:19 by admin

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