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The temperament of TAMUK-C rabbits is just as important as the quantitative guidelines of litter size and growth rate. As a backyard meat rabbit for use by the layman, a tame and easy to handle rabbit will make the process of raising, caring for, and dispatching the rabbits much easier. Any rabbits that bite unprovoked, growl, protect nests, or are otherwise unruly to handle should be culled and no progeny should be kept. Handling kits and their mother regularly is helpful for ensuring calm and easy going temperament. Some skittishness or standoffishness is acceptable but not preferred. You should never be afraid to put your hand into the cage of a TAMUK-C. TAMUK-C rabbits should be curious and friendly and at the least tolerate without aggression being touched, at the best enjoy being touched and handled.

guidelines/temperament.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 14:08 by admin

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