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Heat Tolerance

There were no specific studies done on the heat tolerance of TAMUK-C rabbits. It is generally accepted practice in the TAMUK-C community to offer only minimal heat interventions and to cull any from your herd that struggle.


The two main concessions that should always be given to TAMUK-C rabbits are: shade and adequate airflow. Fans are acceptable especially when air conditions are stagnant and temperatures are above 95 degrees F.

Misting, cooling tiles, cold water, ice bottles and other such cooling interventions are less desirable for TAMUK-C stock that will be used for breeding or sale. However, TAMUK-C are not impervious to heat! They are only more tolerant, as such you should decide when the environment is extreme and intervene as needed.


Breeding can and should continue throughout the hot summer months, this will help bucks remain fertile and is a good way to find does that struggle in the heat while pregnant/nursing, and to raise up kits that thrive in hot conditions for the next generation of breeders.

Physical Characteristics

There are no sure-fire physical characteristics that will ensure heat tolerance but it is thought that larger ears with thinner fur and thin coats are among the probable characteristics to look for.


Heat stressed rabbits will pant heavily and/or drool.


Thanks to D. Moore for the compilation of papers.
guidelines/heattolerance.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 13:27 by admin

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