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Growth Rate

TAMUK-C were not specifically developed with a growth rate in mind, but as they are marketed as a meat rabbit, they should exhibit a growth rate similar to other meat rabbit breeds. 5 lbs by 12 weeks is a generally acceptable growth rate for meat rabbits. TAMUK-C often perform better than this reaching 5 lbs by 10 weeks. Select the fastest growing to keep this trait strong in your TAMUK-C.

Meat Rabbit Growth Chart

Age Good Growth Excellent Growth
6 weeks 2.7# 3-3.25#
8 weeks 4# 4.25-5#
10 weeks 5# 5.5-6#
12 weeks 6# 6.5-7#
16 weeks 7# 7.5-8.5#

Meat Rabbit Growth by Litter Size

The number of kits in a litter can affect how long they take to get to 5 lbs, its desirable to have does that have large litters, raise all or most of them successfully, and the doe has enough milk to keep the growth rate high.

Kits Weaned per Litter Weeks to 5 lbs
3-4 kits 8 weeks
6-8 kits 10 weeks
10-14 kits 11 weeks

Growth in Hot Months

Growth rate of kits will naturally be slower in the hot months as rabbits will eat less. Kits that meet growth markers despite heat and litter size are the best candidates for continued breeding.

guidelines/growth.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/18 14:18 by admin

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