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Feed & Forage

TAMUK-C were developed as a backyard meat rabbit breed. They can be sustained wholly on pellets or pellets and hay but they are also well suited for forage. However, because this is not a specific adaptation of TAMUK-C, it's best to acquire your rabbits from breeders that feed forage if this is an important aspect to you. Anecdotally, there does seem to be a lower incidence of weaning enteritis among TAMUK-C and especially those that feed forage regularly.

Anecdotally Safe Plants to Feed

This list is compiled via experience with giving these plants to TAMUK-C rabbits and having observed no ill effects. Feed under your own caution and discretion.

Free Feed Plants Moderate Feed Plants Occasional Feed Plants

* Parsley
* Cilantro
* Basil (all types)
* Carrot TOPS
* Parsnip TOPS
* Green Bean Leaves
* Banana Tree Leaves
* Rose Leaves, Stems, & Flowers
* Mints, Lemon Balm, Bee Balm
* Blackberry Leaves & Stems
* Dandelion Leaves, Flowers, and Roots
* Sweet Potato VINES
* Crabgrass, Nutsedge, St Augustine

• Mulberry Leaves & Branches
• Kale
• Broccoli/Brussel
• Sprout/Cabbage Leaves
• Japanese Honeysuckle Flowers and Vines
• Oregano
• Dill Weed
• Chard
• Spinach
• Banana Peels
• Morning Glory/Bindweed
• Asparagus Shoots and Fronds
• Arugula

* Carrots
* Apples
* Green Beans/Peas
* Banana
* Lettuce (Romaine, Butter)
* Cucumbers/Squash
* Strawberries


Thanks to D. Moore for the compilation of papers.
guidelines/feed.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/18 13:54 by admin

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