=====Phenotypes===== ====Agouti Based==== Full Color banded hair shaft, white belly, ear and eye lacing\\ \\ [[agouti:chestnut|Chestnut]] - Black Agouti\\ [[agouti:opal|Opal]] - Blue Agouti \\ [[agouti:cinnamon|Cinnamon]] - Chocolate Agouti\\ [[agouti:lynx|Lynx]] - Lilac Agouti\\ [[agouti:orange|Orange]] - Black or Chocolate Non Extension Agouti\\ [[agouti:fawn|Fawn]] - Blue or Lilac Non Extension Agouti\\ \\ [[agouti:red|Red]] - Black or Chocolate Non Extension Agouti with Wideband (ww)\\ [[agouti:cream|Cream]] - Blue or Lilac Non Extension Agouti with Wideband (ww)\\ ====Self Based==== Solid color, no banding, lacing, or white marks.\\ \\ [[self:black|Black]]\\ [[self:blue|Blue]]\\ [[self:chocolate|Chocolate]]\\ [[self:lilac|Lilac]]\\ [[self:blacktort|Black Tort]] - Black non extension\\ [[self:bluetort|Blue Tort]] - Blue non extension\\ [[self:chocolatetort|Chocolate Tort]] - Chocolate non extension\\ [[self:lilactort|Lilac Tort]] - Lilac non extension\\ ====Chinchilla Based==== Absence absence of yellow, c(chd) based.\\ \\ [[chin:chinchilla|Chinchilla]]\\ [[chin:bluechinchilla|Blue Chinchilla]]\\ [[chin:chocolatechinchilla|Chocolate Chinchilla]]\\ [[chin:lilacchinchilla|Lilac Chinchilla]]\\ [[chin:ermine|Ermine]] - Chinchilla non extension\\ [[chin:sallander|Sallander]] - Self Chinchilla non extension\\ ====Himalayan Based==== ch on the C locus.\\ \\ Himalayan\\ Blue Himalayan\\ Chocolate Himalayan\\ Lilac Himalayan\\ ====Albino==== cc on the C locus.\\ \\ Red Eyed White\\ ====Steel==== Over extension of base color. Es on the E locus.\\ \\ [[steel:blackgts | Black Gold Tipped Steel]]\\ [[steel:bluegts | Blue Gold Tipped Steel]]\\ [[steel:chocolategts | Chocolate Gold Tipped Steel]]\\ [[steel:lilacgts | Lilac Gold Tipped Steel]]\\ [[steel:blacksts | Black Silver Tipped Steel]]\\ [[steel:bluests | Blue Silver Tipped Steel]]\\ [[steel:chocolatests | Chocolate Silver Tipped Steel]]\\ [[steel:lilacsts | Lilac Silver Tipped Steel]]\\ ====Harlequin==== Random extension/non extension. ej on E locus.\\ \\ [[harlequin:japaneseharlequin | Black Orange Japanese Harlequin]]\\ [[harlequin:blueharlequin | Blue Fawn Japanese Harlequin]]\\ [[harlequin:chocolateharlequin | Chocolate Orange Japanese Harlequin]]\\ [[harlequin:lilacharlequin | Lilac Fawn Japanese Harlequin]]\\ [[harlequin:blackmagpie | Black Magpie]] - Black Chinchilla Harlequin\\ [[harlequin:bluemagpie | Blue Magpie]] - Blue Chinchilla Harlequin\\ [[harlequin:chocolatemagpie | Chocolate Magpie]] - Chocolate Chinchilla Harlequin\\ [[harlequin:lilacmagpie | Lilac Magpie]] - Lilac Chinchilla Harlequin\\