=====Mothering and Litters===== TAMUK-C Does should exhibit good mothering skills including adequate nest building, kindling perfectly the first or second time and average litter sizes of 9-12 kits and are able to raise them all. Does that fail to build nests, regularly kindle on wire, have small litters, neglect kits, or don't produce enough milk to sufficiently raise all or most of their kits should be culled. TAMUK-C Does should be willing to lift and can be bred as early as 4 months old. Does should keep gentle and friendly temperament throughout pregnancy and nursing. Does should never bite or charge when you inspect the nest. Any aggressive mothers and litters should be culled. Supplementing with black oil sunflower seeds and oats is acceptable for increasing milk production and holding doe condition. ====Kits and Weaning==== TAMUK-C does should be happy/indifferent around their kits, they may avoid them for a few days when they first start hopping out of the nest box but otherwise are willing to nurse kits up to 8 weeks or more. Kits can be weaned as early as 4 weeks, but 6-8 weeks is better. They may begin eating forage as early as 2.5 weeks if the doe has been regularly eating forage. ====Studies==== These papers do not involve TAMUK-C but provide useful information about rabbit raising. ((Thanks to D. Moore for the compilation of papers.))\\ {{ :guidelines:lukefahr_maternal_repeatability.pdf | Heritability of Maternal Performance Traits}}\\ {{ :guidelines:mcnitt_weaning_methods.pdf | Evaluation of Two Weaning Methods for Rabbits}}\\ {{ :guidelines:breed_comparisons_for_postweaning_litter_traits_khan_lukefahr.pdf | Breed Type Comparisons for Postweaning Litter Traits in Rabbits}}