=====Backyard Meat and Cross Bred Rabbits===== TAMUK-C originated as a backyard crossbred meat rabbit for Dr Lukefahr and his family. Here's some papers on general information about cross breeds and hybrid vigor, and raising backyard meat rabbits. ((Thanks to D. Moore for the compilation of papers.)) {{ :guidelines:tn_58_tropical_rabbit_production_a_guide_to_raising_rabbits_with_few_resources_echocommunity.org.pdf | Tropical Rabbit Production: A Guide to Raising Rabbits With Few Resources}}\\ {{ :guidelines:backyard_production_of_meat_rabbits_in_texas_lukefahr.pdf | Backyard Production of Meat Rabbits in Texas}}\\ {{ :guidelines:lukefahr_steven_d_1982.pdf | Evaluation of Rabbit Breeds and Crosses for Overall Commercial Productivity}}\\ {{ :guidelines:mcnitt_2009-rabbit_housing_manual.pdf | Rabbit Housing}}\\ {{ :guidelines:back_to_basics_view_of_small-scale_rabbit_meat_production_in_the_western_hemisphere_lukefahr_1999.pdf | Small Scale Rabbit Meat Production}}